Saturday, March 22, 2008

Typical White Person

Osama-Obama says he can use any racial term without being effected in any fucking way.

I dont know what people are bitching about these days but if a Black person was to call me a "Cracker" I wouldnt give a fuck. I would just respond by telling them to go roll a blunt or go pay their child support for their 15 kids.

Im not racist, im more of a stereo typist.

I can prove it by saying that I like Kool-Aid, Big rims, Chicks, and Fat booties.

But you might call me racist if I tell you that I have my black bitches walk around naked to make sure they dont steal anything.

Obama responds to new race comment flap

Monday, March 17, 2008

Dont Let Mexicans Build The Planes

A pilot was killed in a f-16 jet.

This happens when you let the mexicans build your plane. They can work in your garden but there is certain things that you shouldn't let them do!

I have 50 mexicans working in my 30 acre front yard and I have 35 working at my Giant green house which is where they water my WEED plants. Thats why I have cameras so if I catch them trying to put the weed up their ass im going to bust a cap in their ass right then and there because I have cameras equiped with guns. I just press a button and their dead. Its like a video game for me. And if they had children I can keep them and raise them to be workers. This is called good budgeting.

Anyway, you just shouldn't let the mexicans build the planes. Thats where they get their revenge on you for giving them below minimum wage.

Pilot killed in F-16 combat training.

Britney's Night Out With Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson decides to take Britney on a date to a nice restaurant. What is she doing? doesn't she have kids to take care of, oops no she doesn't. They belong to the state of whatever and I dont care. What is Mel Gibson up to? The only thing I can think of is a good idea for a porn video!

He said it's going to be called: " Senior Citizen Dicks And Way Younger Chicks "

That sounds catchy!

And I want to ask Sam Lutfi, How doest it feel to be Britney Spear's former main drug dealor!

Im so jealous of him. I wish I had celebrities to buy my cocaine and weed.
